Zalando Slovenia Open Range
Zalando, the leading online fashion platform in Europe, has something for everyone - from shoes and clothes to accessories and sportswear. Be who you want to be and create your own unique look with a mix of popular high street brands, top designers and independent brands. With over 1,900 brands waiting to be discovered, the possibilities are endless. And that's not all. Did you know that Zalando offers free shipping on every product? And if you change your mind after purchase, or if the product doesn't fit you perfectly - don't worry. For a full refund, you can return your unused products to us free of charge within 100 days of placing your order. For more fashion content, curated selections and outfit inspiration, head over to now.
Navodila za uporabo Zalandove darilne kartice: 1. Prijavite se v svoj račun na ali v aplikaciji Zalando pod „Moj račun“. 2. Vnesite kodo darilnega bona v polje pod „Moji boni“. 3. Kodo bona lahko vnesete tudi neposredno v polje za kodo bona med postopkom nakupa na blagajni. 4. Če ne izkoristite celotne vrednosti bona naenkrat, bomo preostalo vrednost prenesli kot dobropis na vaš Zalandov račun. Za več informacij preberite naša Pravila in pogoje na
Instructions for using a Zalando gift card: 1. Log in to your account at or in the Zalando application under "My Account". 2. Enter the gift voucher code in the field under "My Vouchers". 3. You can also enter the voucher code directly in the voucher code field during the checkout process. 4. If you do not use the entire value of the voucher at once, we will transfer the remaining value as a credit to your Zalando account. For more information, read our Terms and Conditions at
Darilne kartice so časovno neomejene in niso vezane na minimalno vrednost naročila. Gotovinsko dvigovanje ter vračilo ob izgubi ali poškodbi nista možna. Če prekličete naročilo ali vrnete izdelke, za katere je bila uporabljena darilna kartica, vam bo plačani znesek povrnjen ali kompenziran. Vrednost vaše darilne kartice se bo pripisala na vaš račun pri Zalando. Darilne kartice se ne morejo uporabiti naknadno za naročilo. Niso zamenljive in jih ni mogoče blokirati. Darilne kartice lahko unovčite na ali prek aplikacije Zalando. Poleg tega veljajo splošni pogoji poslovanja Zalanda (AGB), ki jih najdete natukaj
Gift cards are unlimited in time and are not tied to a minimum order value. Cash withdrawals and refunds in case of loss or damage are not possible. If you cancel an order or return products for which a gift card was used, you will be refunded or compensated. The value of your gift card will be credited to your Zalando account. Gift cards cannot be used later on an order. They are not replaceable and cannot be blocked. Gift cards can be redeemed at or via the Zalando app. In addition, Zalando's general business terms and conditions (AGB) apply, which you can find at here